Brittany & JJ Creators of The Minivan Bucket List
We live in Utah and love to load up the minivan with our four kids and road trip around Utah and the West. We’ve learned that you don’t need to spend a fortune or fly half way around the world to create memories with your kids that last a lifetime.
One day in 2020, when travel options suddenly became very limited, we ventured out on a day trip to the Bonneville Salt Flats. Driving out onto the salt flats in our minivan full of kids pretending to break the land speed record felt like such an adventure!

We started to wonder what other things within a short drive from home had we missed out on, so I put together my own Utah bucket list. After a year of exploring hidden gems, off-roading to slot canyons, and hiking around wonderful national parks we decided to share our experiences on a blog to help other families find affordable, kid-friendly, bucket-list worthy adventures close to home – and The Minivan Bucket List was born.
Thanks for visiting our blog!
You can contact us by emailing theminivanbucketlist@gmail.com