12 Awesome Family Costumes for Halloween on any Budget
Halloween has become one of the most beloved holidays because it brings people together. The increasing popularity of group and family costumes has given people a reason to plan year round. Halloween is our favorite time of the year especially since we have had our own kids. You may find from this post and our past family halloween costumes that we heavily favor Disney and many of them would be perfect for the Disneyland’s Oogie Boogie Bash (probably doesn’t help that we were once Disneyland pass holders). But whether you’re headed to Disney or trick or treating in your own neighborhood, we have a solution for you no matter your budget.
Since we love a good deal, all costumes listed below are budget-friendly, free or or DIY. However, the ideas are on us.You’re welcome.

1. Hocus Pocus
This cult classic is one of our favorite movies to watch around Halloween. My kids especially love the music, dancing and talking cat! Due to the recent release of Hocus Pocus 2, It will especially be the popular pick of the year. Luckily it is easy to replicate due to no shortage of supply in Halloween stores and online. The Sanderson Sisters are some of the most beloved Halloween characters but just be careful because they might put a spell on you!
Free, Cheap or on DIY: This DIY no sew Hocus Pocus Costume tutorial is great if you’re on a budget. All you need are some thrifted clothes and dye. Or find something lying around the house and throw it together for free.
Hocus Pocus costumes under $40
Winifred Sanderson, Mary Sanderson, Sarah Sanderson, Billy Butcherson, Allison, Binx the Cat, Max Dennison, Dani Dennison

2.Pirates of the Caribbean
Who doesn’t love Jack Sparrow or an excuse to wear cool pirate eyeliner? When we came up with this idea last year, we didn’t foresee how much we would love discovering new characters across the franchise for our larger family. It was by far our most popular costume on social media. Besides, my son is obsessed with Johnny Depp so we had to give him a chance to lead as captain of our swashbuckling Halloween adventure! Also, who can resist any baby as Jack the monkey–savvy?
Free, Cheap or DIY: Check out the Surf and Sunshine blog for amazing DIY Pirates of the Caribbean Costumes.
Pirates of the Caribbean costumes under $40
Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Elizabeth Swann (Pirate attire), Angelica Teach, Syrena (The mermaid), Jack the Monkey, Davey Jones.

3. Wizard of Oz
This costume idea is over the rainbow for everyone because it happens to be one of the most iconic Hollywood films of all time. It also is helpful that the characters are so recognizable and beloved by every generation along the yellow brick road.
Free, Cheap or DIY: This tutorial of DIY Wizard of Oz costumes will help you find the perfect pieces for your ensemble at a thrift store or even from the dollar store.
Wizard of Oz costumes under $30
Dorothy, Tin Man, Scarecrow, Lion, Wicked Witch of the West, Glinda the Good Witch, Toto

4.Despicable Me and Minions
If you want to bring some laughter and color to the party, look no further than the characters of Despicable Me and the minions…..“unless they’re dead! I’m joking, I’m joking.” Plus, you’ll have an excuse to throw out some hilarious one liner movie quotes in your trick or treat shenanigans.
Free, cheap or budget: Check out how to make The Easiest DIY Minions Halloween Costume Ever!
Despicable Me and Minions costumes under $30
Gru (scarff), Gru (black jacket), Lucy (dress), Lucy (wig), Minions

5. How to Train Your Dragon
Harness the power of the viking nation as dragon hunters! Everyone loves the unassuming hero in Hiccup, the warrior in Astrid and the bravery of Toothless. Just make sure to get those Scottish accents en pointe before you yell trick or treat! A bonus if it is chilly outside is you’ll be nice and cozy in head to toe in boats and animal fur.
Free, cheap or DIY: Check out this DIY Toothless and How to Train Your Dragon costumes here for the perfect nordic inspired ensemble.
How to Train your Dragon costumes under $30
Toothless, Astrid, Hiccup, Hiccup (Adult), Light Fury

6.Lord of the Rings
This year might bring out the inner elves or hobbits in us thanks to popular Amazon’s hit series “Rings of Power.” Additionally, you can keep it classic and bring one of the most renowned books and movies of all time to life. As an added bonus, get a picture like this one set in the mountains of middle earth. Show the world that not all those who wander are lost and that there is good in this world worth fighting for.
Free, cheap or DIY: Check out these magnificent masterpieces of DIY Lord of the Rings (The Rings of Power) and this DIY hobbit costume.
Lord of the Rings costumes under $35
Galadriel, Hobbit cloak (Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin), Hobbit leaf cloak pin, Aragorn cloak, Arwen (necklace), Arwen (dress), Gandalf (beard/wig).

Avengers assemble! This universe is never ending for the ones you love 3,000 as there is a character for everyone in your life. My son shares the same birthday as Chris Hemsworth so felt it fit to be Thor while my quiet and unassuming daughter wanted to remain hidden as The Wasp. People have told my husband he looks like Tony Stark so he could not pass up the chance to grow out that facial hair design! Of course, I could not resist being a redhead for a day with my hulk destroying toddler and my iron willed girl. We did this costume in 2020 since we felt like we spent all year avenging the chaos of it! But whether you’re fighting ills of a pandemic or not, there is never a time to go wrong with this popular theme.
Free, cheap or DIY: Seventeen magazine nailed it with these cheap 9 DIY Avengers Costumes.
Avengers costumes under $35
Thor, Iron Man (kids), Tony Stark, The Wasp (child), Hulk, Black Widow (Adult)

8.Star Wars
May the force be with you this Halloween as you encounter the dark side around every corner. Star Wars is a classic with so many characters to choose from, it will be hard to stop–no matter what stage of life you are in.
DIY budget hack maternity BB8 costume: We did this when I was pregnant with my third child so a maternity BB8 costume was in order! I just drew with markers on a garbage bag, used fabric glue to put it onto a cheap t-shirt. After, I took a small styrofoam ball , cut it in half, drew BB8’s face and them and then hot glued it onto the gargage bag portion of the shirt. The entire costume was about $2 to make. It was also one of the most complimented costumes I have ever worn.
Free, cheap or DIY: 20 Easy DIY Star Wars Costumes
Star Wars costumes under $40
Chewbacca (kids), Rey (girls), Han Solo vest (men), Han Solo (kids), Luke Skywalker (kids), Yoda

9. Incredibles
If you are a family who feels like they took on the world this year, then you’re nothing short of incredible, incredible, incredible. We did this costume during a year that was so full of wins for our family and we felt on top of the world. I love how everyone matches and we look like a crime fighting team. Not to mention that little one on the bottom left was a real life, Jack-Jack. She was our baby who ate cookies all day and always disappeared.
Budget-friendly win: I think these were probably the most budget friendly costumes for a larger group. I believe we dressed the entire family for less than $100 and they are original and licensed.
Free, cheap or DIY: Easy DIY Incredibles Costumes for the entire family
Incredibles costumes under $30
Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Violet, Dash, Jack-Jack.

10.Harry Potter
Solemnly swear to be up to no good this Halloween! Bring one of the best-selling books of all time to life even if you aren’t casting spells at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Maybe take the official Sorting Hat Pottermore quiz to see which character you could be! Are you a brave Gryffindor like Harry, Ron and Hermione or an ambitious Slytherin like Snape and Malfoy? If you’re bite sized, there’s nothing cuter than the little snow owl Hedwig. And pregnant ladies? Turn yourself into a golden snitch!

Free, cheap or DIY: How to Make a DIY Harry Potter Costume
Harry Potter costumes under $40
Hermione, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley (robes), Severus Snape, Hagrid, Dumbledore, Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange, Hedwig

11. Descendants
Time to be rotten to the core! Dressing as a rebel with any color hair under the sun is just about everyone’s dream right? It doesn’t hurt that you are pretending to be the children of the greatest Disney villains of all time! In 2019, Descendants 3 was released and was all the rage. My kids were obsessed with the Kenny Ortega’s choreography, the dancing, the music and the creative yet outlandish costumes. Plus, turquoise dreadlocks have been a dream of mine since I was a wee pirate and the husband could not pass up shredded clothes and guy-liner.
Free, cheap or DIY: Make your own DIY Descendants Costumes under $20 and DIY Descendants costumes for the whole family.
Side note: Harry Hook was impossible to find. We just found a red blazer from the thrift store and black pants and shredded them. Then topped it off with a plastic hook and a pirate hat.
Descendants Costumes under $30
Mal, Audrey, Evie, Uma, Jay, Tick-tock Croc

12.justice League
Every mom should get a chance to dress up at Woman Woman because let’s be real–every mom no matter her age is Wonder Woman. This family costume idea is a classic because these comic book characters go back to nearly every generation since 1960. It was such a blast to feel like a superhero for a day.
Free, cheap or DIY: Easy Justice League Costumes
Justice league costumes for under $40
Wonder Woman, Batman, Flash (girls), Superman, Supergirl

Other creative costume Ideas to choose from:



We hope you this gave you a few ideas for this Halloween but especially the confidence to keep to a budget and still look awesome! Now, time to get on the ball and get those costumes together. Then when you’re done, go on a fall hike or visit a pumpkin patch. Go and soak up the fall, ya’ll!
Happy Halloween!